sexta-feira, 9 de junho de 2017

Event Once Upon A Child & Store Lil Brats

Oooooi, totoooosaas! Tudo bom?
Tirar aquela linda foto tem que ser com vestido fofo amei esses modelos cores neutras e estampas alegres vem com uma hud com 10 textures os vestidos e da loja Lil Brats está a venda no evento Once Upon A Child o evento já começou mais vai até dia 30 de junho corre lá 

Oooooi, totoooosaas! It's OK?
Take that beautiful photo has to be with fluffy dress I loved these models neutral colors and cheerful prints comes with a hud with 10 textures the dresses and the Lil Brats store is on sale at the event Once Upon A Child the event has already started but goes until 30 June runs there

Taxí Once Upon A Child Event &Lil Brats  

Pose  Kokoro Poses - Yang-mi Set

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