Oooooi, totoooosaas! Tudo bom?
Já ta disponivel já na loja Hardsoul os modelos da roupas Little Rock Star e Emily outfit -Ley's Fall in Love corre lá e aproveita os precinhos e vamos marcar pra dançar no grupo Fit Hardsoul Dance.Adiciona a gente e vamos nos divertir. Os modelos tão sensacional que gostam de dançar vai amar fica muito fofo bora gravar videos
Oooooi, totoooosaas! It's OK?
Already available in the store Hardsoul the models of clothes Little Rock Star and Emily outfit -Ley's Fall in Love run there and enjoy the ribbons and we will mark to dance in the group Fit Hardsoul Dance.Adiciona people and let's have fun. The models so sensational that like to dance will love is very cute bora record videos
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