quarta-feira, 5 de julho de 2017

Event Route 66 & Store Tiny cakeZ

Oooooi, totooosaas! Tudo bom?
Adoro ser sereia todas nos merecemos sereias eu amei minha roupa e da loja Store Tiny cakeZ e está disponivel a venda no evento Route 66 e o legal e muito fofo e super baratinho a cor azul a cor do oceano a cor da vida muito mega fofo.
Essa pose muito fofa da pra você tirar sozinha ou chamar sua irmã sereia sua amiga vem com essa essa estrela do mar e esse peixe muito criativa e mega fofa essa pose e da loja Little Freind agora amigas vou brincar um pouco no fundo do mar 

Oooooi, totooosaas! It's OK?
I love to be mermaid we all deserve mermaids I loved my clothes and store Store Tiny cakeZ and is available for sale in the event Route 66 and the cool and very cute and super cheap the color blue the color of the ocean the color of very mega cute life.
This very cute pose of you to take alone or call your sister mermaid your friend comes with this starfish and this fish very creative and mega cute this pose and the store Little Freind now friends I'm going to play a little at the bottom of the sea

Taxí Event Route 66 & Store Tiny cakeZ

Pose Little Freind- Little Mermaid

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